All dressed up, with nowhere to “Grow”

Posted on: July 19th, 2011  |  No Comments

The New York Times reported yesterday that, while New Jersey has legalized the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes since January 2010, the state has not yet permitted any of the six licensed dispensaries to grow or distribute the drug. Patients who rely on marijuana to treat their severe symptoms must choose to use other legal drugs, or resort to purchasing their marijuana covertly on the streets.

Sandy Fiola…who has multiple sclerosis and sarcoidosis…said no one questioned her right to take far more dangerous painkillers, like oxycodone, morphine, and fentanyl.

“Using marijuana lets me cut way back on steroids and morphine, it works better and I’m more lucid…God, I hope they do this thing [open dispensaries]. It’s been so long already.”

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, a Republican, has come under fire from marijuana advocates for stalling and trying to effectively block the program. The Christie administration, however, says that every delay has been necessary for the state to ensure that the program is brought into compliance with federal drug regulations, preventing unnecessary and unintended prosecutions at the federal level for activity conducted within the state.

Read the entire article at The New York Times »

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